Parents Initiative

As a parent initiative, the kindergarten not only welcomes, but also relies on parental involvement. Depending on individual interests, each child’s parents are responsible for a certain task on the association’s board of management or on one of our committees.

The board of management consists of 3 members, who are elected from and by the parents. In addition, there are committees for activities and field trips, repairs, cleaning, enrolment, personnel and general organisation, publicity, parties, finance.
Parents’ meetings are held every month. There aren’t any daily cleaning or cooking duties for parents, however the parents do a general cleaning of the facilities twice a year.

The parents’ involvement is a significant factor in the friendly and family-like atmosphere at our kindergarten and makes possible an especially constructive co-operation between the parents and the teaching team for the sake of our children.

Upsy Daisy receives both moral and financial support from the State of Bavaria and the Education and Sports Department of the City of Munich. In Munich, a permit is required for running a kindergarten. Our registered association, Kinderkiste Upsy Daisy has received this permit from the City of Munich and the Government of Upper Bavaria.